The Assisted Living Community
1031Smart specializes in boring and predictable investments which present unique fundamental advantages, with a special focus on assisted living.
Many investors are familiar with asset classes like multifamily and office. But did you know you can invest in assisted living communities? With 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, assisted living is primed to capitalize on the 'silver tsunami' we're experiencing.
You’ll learn:
- Why you should consider investing in assisted living development projects.
- The specifics of the Rowlett, TX market and why it's the perfect location for new communities.
- The operator of the assisted living development projects.
- The investment track record of investing in assisted living projects.
- Different investment terms that will help when making your first assisted living investment.
Meet the hosts:
Ryan Beatty
Ryan Beatty has placed over $200m into a variety of investments over the last three years but, over the last year, has narrowed his focus to assisted living.
Nick Gonzaga
Nick Gonzaga is Rocket Dollar's Senior Sales Representative. Has been securities registered since 2006, with 15 years of experience in the finance and investment industry. Most recently was with Arthur J Gallagher as a retirement consultant managing 500MM+ in institutional assets. Before that, he was with Merrill Lynch, where he worked with Rocket Dollar CEO Henry Yoshida.
Brendan Walsh
Brendan Walsh is the Operations Manager for Rocket Dollar. He works on background processes to make it easier for internal Rocket Dollar teams to work together and investment issuers to work with Rocket Dollar customers. Before Rocket Dollar, he was a financial advisor assisting customers with their personal investments and business owners on their 401(k) retirement plan structure.