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The Rocket Dollar Blog

21st Century Diversification: A guide to investing retirement funds.

Roth Case Study

Roth Case Study

One of the most common questions we get surrounding IRA contributions is whether they should be Roth or Traditional contributions. While everybody has different...

Carofin | Rocket Dollar

Carofin & Rocket Dollar Discuss Responding to Changing Markets

Bruce Roberts from Carofin joins our very own Mark Peck to discuss the changing investment landscape around the recent market turmoil.

Job Transition? Don't Forget to Roll Over Your 401(k)!

Job Transition? Don't Forget to Roll Over Your 401(k)!

Making a transition from one job to the next, or being between jobs can be one of the most eventful changes a person can go through. It can be a time...

FarmTogether X Rocket Dollar

FarmTogether X Rocket Dollar

As communities and economies are tested across the globe, examining natural resources and food production is paramount. The team at FarmTogether can...

The Secure Act: What It Means for Your Retirement Account

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act was signed into law. The bill includes provisions intended to provide...

Information Regarding Covid-19 and Your Rocket Dollar Account

We are currently living through some of the toughest times many of us have experienced. We have a responsibility to be conscious of those around us,...

How Are Cryptocurrencies Taxed?

How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed?

While the world of cryptocurrencies has exploded in recent years, taxes continue to be a headache for many investors. As governments pay closer...

FORBES + ROCKET DOLLAR:  Did you know Henry writes for Forbes?

Did you know Henry, CFP® writes for Forbes?

Henry Yoshida, CFP®, our CEO at Rocket Dollar, which helps Americans unlock retirement funds with Self-Directed IRAs and Solo 401(k) plans, writes...

Investing Locally With a Self-Directed Account: How to Invest in a Taco Truck Small Business With Your Rocket Dollar IRA

Investing Locally With a Self-Directed Account: How to Invest in a Taco Truck Small Business With Your Rocket Dollar IRA

Investing in your community is a great way to have a positive impact on your local business environment, and also a great way to make investments...

Just Land Your Dream Job? Don't Forget Your Old 401(k)

Few situations in life are more stressful than a job loss, and chances are if you find yourself in this situation, your 401(k) account is the last...

Rocket Dollar Self-Directed Accounts: Win-Win for Investor Relations

Rocket Dollar Self-Directed Accounts: Win-Win for Investor Relations

When competing for investor dollars, merely offering a healthy return is not always enough to keep investors happy. Keeping investors engaged with...

Small Business Investing with Self-Directed IRA | Rocket Dollar

Playing the Long Game: Equity Investing In a Small Business

Small business investing can be a fantastic way to diversify your investment portfolio while investing in businesses that you care about, or visit...

Do’s And Don’ts Of Crowdfunding Using A Self-Directed IRA

Do’s And Don’ts Of Crowdfunding Using A Self-Directed IRA

Crowdfunding is very popular. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has 45 registered crowdfunding portals, including EnrichHER Funding,...

Rocket Dollar 6 things to do right now to retire 1-5 years earlier

Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Zers Retirement Alert: 6 Things to Today with your IRA or 401(K) to Retire 1–5 Years Earlier

Rocket Dollar account holders have the power to invest in any asset class allowed by the IRS. Our expert team created this list of 6 action items to...

How to Invest in Private Equity with a Self-Directed Retirement Account

Rocket Dollar investors can use the tax-advantaged dollars in their Self-Directed IRAs to make private equity investments, including startup capital,...

SECURE Act Rocket Dollar

The SECURE Act and How It Affects Estate Planning

The SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act represents the first significant change to retirement legislation since the...

Hard Money Lending Rocket Dollar

Hard Money/Private Money Lending with a Self-Directed Solo 401(k)

“There’s always room for growth in any business,” says Patrick St. Cin, Rocket Dollar account holder and former financial advisor. As a current...

Invest Alongside VCs & Institutions, On the Same Terms

Invest Alongside VCs & Institutions, On the Same Terms

Understanding that pursuing early-stage investments is a must, we discussed how and why you can pair OurCrowd investments with a Rocket Dollar...

New IRS Rules 2020 (1)

The New IRS Contribution Limits

Each year, the IRS announces changes to retirement plan contributions for 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts and more. If you’re in the...